A Year In Review- A Breakdown of My Business in 2019- How I Started My Business

A lot happened in 2019… But the biggest thing that happened to me was starting my photography business! So first I am going to tell you my story about how I started my business, and then talk about everything that happened in the past year, the numbers, everything juicy!

So ever since I was young, I have loved taking photos! My mom had a simple crop sensor Canon with a zoom lens and I would use it wherever we went! I will spare you the images, because they are VERY yikes, but my friend and I dressed up and staged some different “backdrops” in our house and spent the evening taking photos.

When my mom and I went to London and France, I used that camera so much! I took a few images (shown below) that I was SO proud of (and still kind of am!) There are other stories as well, but point is, I have always loved working with a camera.

One moment that really impacted me was when our backyard neighbor reached out to me asking me to take some family photos before her son left on a mission. Their photographer had bailed and they knew that I dabbled in photography! So I went and took some family photos for these friends of mine. Little did we know in that moment that 6 months later the mom of the family would die in a tragic hiking mishap, leaving behind a husband, 2 daughters and a son. I had the opportunity to capture one of this family’s last days together as a full family, and that had always stuck with me. Photos are more than just photos, they are memories, people, emotions, and more.

After graduation in Interior Design and working in that field as a tile and counter top design consultant, I realized that this field wasn’t quite fulfilling me. So I tried to figure out what exactly I wanted to do with my life. I found myself scrolling on Pinterest and Instagram, stalking photography blogs. So after months of wondering if I could do that, I finally got the guts to tell my husband that I thought I wanted to be a photographer. He was so supportive! So we planned to buy me a camera in February, supposedly cameras were the cheapest then and when we could afford the thousands that it would be for the body, lens, SD cards, tripod, backpack, and the other gear that I needed.

Well, this was October so I had MONTHS of waiting for my camera. So I read articles, watched videos, and lived through the internet waiting for my camera! Everything I know about using my camera, manual mode, lenses, and editing I learned with the free information I found on the internet.

And then… Even though we had set a limit on Christmas… I GOT IT. Dallan surprised me and got me the camera that I wanted for Christmas, it was the best day ever! I loved it and spent all day messing with settings and taking test shots. See below for the very first photos I took on my new camera!

I then threw myself into free photo shoots. I recruited cousins, family members, and friends to let me photograph them. I shadowed a fellow photographer on a wedding day, I paid to participate in stylized shoots. Come April, I felt confidant enough in my abilities to take paying clients. And boy, did I get a lot of support! Friends and family, referrals, I was so blown away at the support I received from everyone.

6 Weddings

14 Families

17 Couples

3 Maternity

4 Missionaries

I was also featured on 2 bridal blogs- Utah Valley Bride and Utah Bride and Groom.

I also attended a workshop by Katie Griffith Photo, and learned so much!

Investing in myself and my business was the best thing I could’ve done in 2019- and by gosh I did! I have so many hopes, plans, and dreams for 2020. Thanks for following along on my journey thus far, I can’t wait to see where this next year takes us!